Digital Photography School has posted 53 weekly themes for photographers taking on a 365-day challenge in the new year. While I shan't frustrate myself by trying (with failure certain) to take and upload at least one photo per day in the next year, I have decided to embark upon a 52-week photo challenge, going for photos inspired by DPS's weekly themes at least once a week. The first week's theme is "Newness." (Of course, I'm already behind. The first "week" was a mere one day long. That's ok, I'll make it work.)
So, "newness": the potty upon which Stella is sitting falls into that category, and I'm including photos of the little one upon her throne, where she has spent at least 52 minutes in the past 24 hours. She finds that little blue-and-white commode fascinating: sitting down on it, standing up, lifting the lid, closing the lid, removing the pot, and yes, even peeing in it.
Photos taken (with my brand new 50mm macro lens --thank you, Dennis) 1/4/11