The Snowy Day
Today's Nor'easter brought at least a foot of snow, strong winds and chilly temperatures. Bridget and I started the day with dental cleanings. The drive to the dentist's office at 9 am wasn't bad, but the trek home in Dennis's Audi A8 was long. With the heater's non-operational fan, the windshield iced up a lot. The journey, which normally takes us 15 minutes or less, took about 45 minutes, with many stops for clearing the windshield.
Back at home, I got out the camera, and the kids got outside. Stella stayed in with me, though, and watched the action from the kitchen window. When Luke, Bridget, Henry, Sam and Jack were cold enough, they came in for hot chocolate. I made a refrigerator cake (thank you, Anne, for reminding me), and Henry and I started a jigsaw puzzle. Dennis worked upstairs in his office, then spent some time out in snow. It was a nice day.
Photos taken 1/12/11