Guitar Lessons
With all the interest Jack takes in Dennis's many guitars (and Luke's bass -- "Black. Bass. Luke. Up."), Jack may be destined to play. Jack's sitting in my lap as I type this, and when he saw the photo, he said, "Blue." Well, even if he's not destined for musical greatness, he, at least, knows his colors.
Photo taken 11/23/08
Photo taken 11/23/08
"Geen!"- a green Kramer hair-guitar
"Boo!"- a blue Strat copy
"Pink"- my red Les Paul copy ("red" is hard to say)
"Bown!"- a Hamer Standard
"Yewoh!"- A yellow Telecaster copy
"Bak!"- the black Peavey Wolfgang
"Bizh!"- the Grestch that Bridge uses
"Back - Baasch - Oook!" - black, bass, Luke
"hupp" and "dow" and "hinn" and "hout"- various locations of the guitars, upstairs, downstairs, in the case, out of the case