Thoughtful Stint on the Scooter Board

The kids racing around the house on their scooter boards generally drives Dennis batty, but it didn't bother him today. From this photo, it looks like Sam may use his time on the board for a little introspection. That's probably not true; he must have been gearing up for the next great burst of energy.

Did you notice that I used the word "batty" in the above paragraph? There was a reason for that: this morning, I went down to the basement to check on the laundry and discovered a bat sleeping on the ledge behind the dryer. The little guy was not a welcome sight; I had too many encounters with bats last year during our renovation. (Remember the one in the shower? If not, check out Bat photos included.) Just like last year, Dennis, my own personal batman, captured the critter and released it elsewhere. He then boarded up its possible points of entry.

Photo taken 111/23/08


Dennis said…
I thought that was Luke on the board. Wow.

Nothing like trapping bats with yogurt containers. Fun fun fun. I like it when they're aslepp though- it makes the job so much easier than when they're flying around buzzing you.

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