Sam, Not Stella
Today's Thursday, but Stella has to move over for Sam, the birthday boy. What a funny kid he is, a young man of contradictions. He speaks in a deep, serious voice, but is the goofiest kid in the house. He likes being with his friends, but has no problem saying to them, "Nope, I can't play today; Mom says I'm grounded," and then shutting the door before they've even turned away. He drops whatever he's doing and comes running when he hears me reading a story to Jack or Stella, but heads up to bed hours before anyone else when he's tired. He's usually louder than a TV at full volume, but when he's up before anyone else on a "school day," I often find him curled up in a chair and wrapped in silence. For eight years, our favorite paradox has filled our house with clamor and tranquility, laughter and tears, rough-housing and tenderness; and and we love him for it all.
Photos taken 9/15/11
Photos taken 9/15/11