New Shoes
Henry and Sam each blow through a pair of sneakers in about three months. We generally buy them shoes at Target, because paying more than $15 for shoes you know are going to soon be ruined is simply too painful. Henry's last pair (Nikes purchased within the last six months for significantly more than $15, because Target had nothing in his size) featured a sole that was attached to the rest of the shoe by a mere inch or so at the heel. While the flap-flap noise that this situation created was a handy way of verifying that it was, indeed, Henry in the other room, the Nikes really had to go. Today, we went to Target, where we bought Henry a pair of sneakers for $14.99 and Sam a pair for $12.99. These are Henry's—size 8.5. The feet of my ten-year-old are now bigger than mine.
Photo taken 9/30/11
Photo taken 9/30/11