Peace Travels Light
Alice Miller has made me a minimalist. All that’s left? Me and the truth.
The agendas; the philosophies; the advice and instruction; the judgments, opinions, and ratings; the rules and the “this is the way it’s done”s; the excuses and rationalizations; the escapes, game playing, evasions, secrets, white lies, preening, posing, strategies, “don’t make a scene”s; the “eat this, not that,” body vs. soul; the worries, fears, and anxieties; the “I’ll show them”s, the labels, institutions, and religions; the could haves, would haves, should haves: each and every one of them gets flushed away, and I am left with a peace I had never known.
(That's today's Substack post in its entirety. Merry Christmas.)
(Oh, and my husband is having fun with words on his own Substack; his two most recent posts are important reads. and