Ways of Knowing


I got locked out of my LinkedIn account, because I dared to post stuff that the platform's censors don't like. Therefore, I'll share a link here to my latest post at The Ruff Draft: 


I'll also give you a sneak peek:

The Volume Library. God love you, Dad. When you signed on the dotted line for that scam, you were trying to do the right thing. Your blood sugar may have been on the way down and you just wanted your three kids to stop pestering you. The book wasn't cheap, but it wasn't going to break the bank. You were smart enough to know that it would sit on the shelf, never touched, except to get dusted each week. You were also smart enough to know that you weren't likely to win this battle and you'd go to jail if you physically removed that weasel of a salesman from your house. But what about Mom? Why was she being swayed? That was certainly unusual. We'll never know the the truth and the book is long gone. If there's any justice in the world, its pages have been gnawed by mice, who would have used all that useless propaganda information for bedding. I admit it, "propaganda" is a bit extreme. The math sections likely weren't propaganda. Maybe the geography ones. History, though? Assuredly. ...


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