It's Here!

After saving since Christmas and then stumbling upon an amazing deal at Amazon, my new lens arrived today. For months, I've been shooting almost continuously with my 50mm lens. Now, it's time for something a little different. In the shot with the two lenses, the new one is on the left (the one on the right is the one that came with the E-500, my first dSLR). The photos following the picture of the lenses were taken with the new glass. What amazes me already can be seen in the final picture (the one of Stella at the table). That was taken with an ISO of 200 and no flash in relatively dim light. With my other lenses, I would have needed an ISO of at least 800 to get something that clear.

Photos taken 7/9/13


Unknown said…
Your new lens is great! The pictures come alive, you must be thrilled!!
GraceGal said…
The pictures are amazing. I didn't realize a lens could make that much difference.

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