The Start of Something

It has been steadily snowing since before I awoke this morning. Around noon, I went outside with the camera and stayed out well past the point where my fingers started hurting from the cold. I think I need to get Bridget to knit me warmer mittens.

Photo taken 12/8/13


GraceGal said…
Is this your home? Striking photo!
Cheryl Ruffing said…
Thank you. Yes, it's our pumpkin house. Both my husband and I think that life is too short for beige.
Unknown said…
What a beautiful home and I love your take on life - too short for beige!
Cheryl Ruffing said…
Thanks, Amber. It looks beautiful on the outside. We still have lots to do on the inside. You can see for yourself at the Sanctuary and Sanity blog (listed in my profile).

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