An Icy Destination

Well, I did it. I trekked into the woods with Dennis, Henry, Sam and Bridget (natural adventurers, all four). We had a lovely time. Thankfully, the ice on the pond was thick. Even so, the noises emanating from the water below it were a bit disconcerting. While we were out on the ice, Dennis and Henry gave some curling moves a try.

Photos taken 2/2/13


GraceGal said…
These pictures are amazing!
Cheryl Ruffing said…
Thank you. Many photographers like the even light of a grey day, but I'll take blue skies, thanks.
Unknown said…
I love the curling photos with the reflection on the ice, those are perfect!
Cheryl Ruffing said…
Thanks, Amber. I think I could have cropped Henry's curling shot more, but I tend to be very hands-off with post-processing in the shots for this blog.

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