Update on Andi

She's had a bad day. The Lyme decided to attack her joints, and she literally did not move a muscle (except to breathe, keep blood circulating, blink, swallow, and wag occasionally) for about 8 hours. Arnica (homeopathy) helped, and we got her outside to go to the bathroom and walk around the yard. She's been drinking water from a spoon(!), but has eaten absolutely nothing today (and we've been offering everything we can think of). My online research indicates that the joint pain generally lasts 3 to 4 days and comes with malaise and unwillingness to eat, so I'm trying to get her past this hurdle. What's more, though, since the body tends to vacillate among affected organs/systems (rather than affecting more than one at a time), it's quite possible that the attack on Andi's kidneys has let up, with the Lyme playing its wicked game on her joints now. Anyway, your continued prayers are much appreciated and mean a great deal to me. Thank you.


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