Rough Times for Jack

Yesterday afternoon, the hockey stick Bridget was swinging at a ball made contact with Jack's face and left a deep gash in the corner of his eyelid.  I staunched the blood flow and regained my composure before Dennis, Stella and I took Jack to the emergency room.  He did not get glue, because of the wound's location.  He did not get stitches, because Jack would've had to go under general anesthesia.  What he did get was a dollop of Bacitracin under some gauze and a Band-Aid.  Jack would also have gotten a tetanus shot, if he had not gotten one on Monday, after being scratched by the stray kitten (who got taken to the animal shelter by Animal Control shortly thereafter).

When we got home from the hospital last night, Jack slept and slept.  I tried to bribe him with food or drink, but he'd have none.  This morning, though, he agreed to a couple of Lifesavers, then choked on them.  After I gave him the Heimlich Maneuver a couple of times, he was alright, except for the sore throat he now had.  I made him a chocolate milkshake, but that didn't help his throat feel any better, so he's in my lap with his thumb in his mouth.

Photos taken (by Bridget and me) 8/20/10 and 8/21/10


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